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RANDAU INDUSTRI: Short-selling - Two sides of the coin

By Devanesan Evanson

Investors can heave a huge sigh of relief with the recent decision by the Securities Commission (SC) and Bursa Malaysia to further extend the temporary ban on short-selling till 31 December this year.

Tabung Haji untung bersih 82% separuh pertama 2020
Unsold residential highest in Johor up to 5468 units, why?
Punca sebenar Papparich diselubungi masalah

OPR recent cut seen bringing Malaysian banks’ net interest rate to further compress
25bps OPR cut but dovish pause next?
Kerajaan digesa segera gubal Akta Sewaan Kediaman

KUALA LUMPUR 10 Julai - Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) telah mengumumkan potongan kadar dasar semalaman (OPR) sebanyak 25 mata asas sekali lagi yang dijangka tidak akan merangsang penjualan hartanah.

IQOS allowed to claim it reduces harm than cigarettes, Philip Morris says
Proton celebrates 35th birthday with the Saga Anniversary Edition
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